lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Ecuador's Controlled Media.

Since President Correa took power in 2007 he has had problems with the media. He states that "the media is controlled by the opposition," and what the media really doing is providing the public with both sides of the story. The pro-Correa and the anti-Correa, but the President, being supporter of Chavez, making him almost a Dictator, he only want to look good. So he decided to sue various companies from both visual and written media. From written media he went to trial against  El UniversoEl ComercioDiario HoyDiario ExpresoLa Hora, the five most honest, and reliable newspapers in the country. In Visual media he battled against Teleamazonas and Gama TV, bot owned by bankers that had their bankes taken away when Correa became elected. 

This battle between Correa and the Ecuadorian media, shocked every South American country, because he was trying to control the media, and he was doing it so openly  that media from other countries started to make fun of him, and called mi a fool.
Pussy Riot.

You may be asking what is Pussy Riot, it sounds vulgar and not school appropriate  But this is nothing vulgar, its a Russian all-girl punk band. They dress in bright colored tights, and were balaclavas (masks) over their faces. They became famous after various protests against the re-election of the Prime Minister Putin. On February 21st of 2012 they took over the Cathedral of Christ the Savior of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow, and started playing their music, stating that the virgin mary should save them from Putin. Three women were arrested after that incident, but the government couldn't prove they were guilty. They are still on trial.